We currently work on the following datasets from the spectrographs listed below. Science-ready spectra and products (stacked line profiles, multiple kinematic components, line flux and width measurements) are currently available upon email request to spexodisks@gmail.com and will soon be available through the online SpExoDisks database in construction (see dedicated page in the menu above).
- IRTF-iSHELL spectra (PIs A.Banzatti, S.Brittain)
- M and L band (4.7 and 2.9 micron) spectra at high resolution (R ~ 60,000-90,000)
- iSHELL website & reference
- sample of 65 Herbig and TTauri disks
- data published and in analysis (a magnitude-limited survey is ongoing)
- key references: Banzatti et al. 2018, Brittain et al. 2018, Abernathy et al. 2021, Jensen et al. 2021, Banzatti et al. 2022, Banzatti et al. 2023
- VLT-CRIRES spectra (PI K.Pontoppidan)
- M and L band spectra at high resolution (R ~ 94,000)
- CRIRES website & reference
- sample of 75 TTauri and Herbig disks
- data published
- key references: Pontoppidan et al. 2011, Brown et al. 2013, Banzatti & Pontoppidan 2015, Banzatti et al. 2017
- VLT-VISIR spectra (PI K.Pontoppidan)
- 12 micron spectra at intermediate resolution (R ~ 30,000)
- VISIR website & reference
- sample of ~60 TTauri and Herbig disks
- data in analysis
- key references: Pascucci et al. 2020, Banzatti et al. 2023
- Keck-NIRSPEC spectra (PI G.Blake)
- M and L band spectra at intermediate resolution (R ~ 25,000)
- NIRSPEC website & reference
- sample of 200 TTauri and Herbig disks
- data published and in analysis
- key references: Blake & Boogert 2004, Salyk et al. 2011, 2013
- Magellan-MIKE spectra (PI I.Pascucci) and Keck-HIRES spectra (multiple PIs)
- 4000-9000 angstrom spectra at high resolution (R ~ 45,000)
- MIKE website & reference, HIRES website & reference
- sample of 75 TTauri and Herbig disks
- data published and in analysis
- key references: Fang et al. 2018, Banzatti et al. 2019
- HST-COS spectra (PIs A.Banzatti, K.France)
- 1400-1750 angstrom spectra at intermediate resolution (R ~ 17,000)
- COS website & reference
- sample of 15 TTauri and Herbig disks
- data published and in analysis
- key references: France et al. 2012, Hoadley et al. 2015, Sanchez et al. 2021